Florida Statute 812.13 defines Robbery as:
“the taking of money or other property which may the subject of larceny from the person or custody of another, with intent to either permanently or temporarily deprive the person or the owner of the money or other property, when in the course of the taking there is the use of force, violence, assault, or putting in fear.”
The key element here is that some type of force was used.
Depending on the amount of force used, a Robbery can be a 1st or 2nd degree felony:
1st degree:
If in the course of committing the robbery the offender carried a firearm or other deadly weapon, the crime is punishable by up to life in prison
2nd degree:
If in the course of committing the robbery the offender carried no firearm, deadly weapon, or other weapon
Up to 15 years in prison; or
15 years of probation; and
$10,000 fine
Different defenses are available depending on the facts of the case, however, not every case will have a defense. The defenses can be legal or factual in nature such as: